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Deadzone Collectibles Morph Up!  Mystery Box


Avaliable to order on 5-17-2024 7am MST

Each Mystery Box Will Be $30 + $5 Shipping With A Total Of 20 Mystery Boxes
2 - 3 Pops per Box  (2 packs count as two pops, and only 7 boxes will have 3 pops in the boxes)
Floor is $31 and Ceiling is $110 - EBay Average as of 5/12/2024


See images above for items you could receive in your box.   No duplicates. 


Only two boxes per order for the first week please.   If the boxes have not sold out by  5-24-2024 then you can buy as many as you would like.   


Be on the lookout for goodies randmonly insurted into these boxes, while we feel that everyone is a winner who buys a mystery box, sometimes we get a little crazy, if you know what we mean.   


*Ranomly added items could be:  T-Shirt, Sealed TCG packs, Funko Pops, or other collectibles.  These itmes will not be added as total value of the box.   


* Blake Foster Autographed Blue Ranger Funko Pop with MAS COA

* Steve Cardenas Autographed Red Ranger Funko Pop does not have COA but does have order info and pakcing slip from the seller.  (the signing was done live on Whatnot so rest asure it is authentic)     

Funko Pop! - Morph Up Mystery Box

  • Mystery Box Info

    At Deadzone Collectibles, our utmost priority is ensuring an exceptional experience for our valued customers. To offer transparency and clarity, we've curated detailed insights into our customer mystery box creation process and information on why.


    Funko Mystery Boxes

    We have opened over 300 mystery boxes over a 5-year span (you can see a lot of the box openings on YouTube @deadzonecitizen) so we feel that we have some Insite on how things work.  We have also sold thousands of Funko pops in mystery boxes and continue to try and enhance the experience.   While we know that mystery boxes can be a bit of a gamble, we are fair and transparent in what we do, so we have added information below to help you understand our process. 


    We are not trying to disparage any companies we are just giving our opinion and advising on what our process is.  Please read all the way through so you have all the information before purchasing a mystery box for us and as always, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. 



    We currently check values in two different places right now.  (This might change in the future as we understand that there might be other platforms that become viable or others are improved)


    Hobby DB / Poppriceguide 


    While HDB/PPG has been a good source in the past, we feel that the information that they are receiving is not as accurate as it could be.  There are a lot of variables that go into valuing a collectible.   Unfortunately, HobbyDB/PPG pricing in our opinion is not a correct representation of current market value and for the most part favors the seller (on average) of mystery boxes and we at DZC feel that this does not give value to the customer, who we are trying to make the mystery box experience a positive one.  


    1. Hobby DB / Poppriceguide 

    • First we look at HobbyDB/Poppriceguide for a quick overview.  

    • We add all the HobbyDB/Poppriceguide information into our spreadsheet. 

    • Once we have all HDB/PPG information we move onto the process of using Ebay Sold listings to average out the current market value





    Ebay is one of the largest marketplaces on the planet with a huge data base and information on a wide variety of products.  This information gives us a very good overview of what has been sold so we can average out pricing to give a more accurate value of the collectible. 


    2.  Ebay Sold Listings (we do not use auctions, best offer accepted, or sales that are not from the US)

    • ​We look at sold listings for the item.  (search Funko Pop + name of Funko and then pop # - Example: Funko Pop Captain America #573)

    • We look at the last 5 listings that are buy now.  

    • We average the 5 sold listings after adding up the last 5 sold listings.  


    * If there is not enough data then we will average on the number of sold product available and then look at current listings combined with sold and current listings on HDB/PPG) 

    * HobbyDB/PPG Most pricing is to high but a lot of the super low values in the $1-$7 are to low.  We fee this is due to factors beyond their control for instance:


    Auctions, they do not represent market value as there are so many variables that go into auctions. 

    • How new is the seller?

    • Is the seller just trying to dump inventory?

    • Does the seller have a good or bad reputation? 

    • Is the seller pricing the items to manipulate the market?

    • Is the item a genuine product or a fake being sold directly from China?

    ​We hope this help you understand how we do our mystery boxes.   We know there is a lot more that we can dive into on this subject but we wanted to make sure we gave you some insight on how we do what we do.

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